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Adyant, my Guru for unlearning violence |
“Spiiiider,” screamed Adyant, my four-year-old grandson in fright. I dropped my book and rushed to the spot only to find a big spider near the backyard door. My spontaneous response was to kill it and I did so.
As I went in to bring a tissue to clean up the mess, Adyant asked inquisitively, “What did you do, Dadi?”
“I killed it,” I said proudly, feeling great that I had eliminated the cause of fear for my darling grandson.
“You KILLED it? Why did you kill it, Dadi? That’s not a good thing to do,” saying this, he appeared quite miserable, feeling of internal pain showing on his young innocent face.
“You KILLED it? Why did you kill it, Dadi? That’s not a good thing to do,” saying this, he appeared quite miserable, feeling of internal pain showing on his young innocent face.
Looking sideways to hide my embarrassment, I sounded defensive, “I killed it because it was scaring you, sweetheart?”
“You could have thrown it out,” was the alternative offered by him.
“Poor spider! Has it died?” he looked very sad and hurt.
“You could have thrown it out,” was the alternative offered by him.
“Poor spider! Has it died?” he looked very sad and hurt.
Like a wise old grandma, I immediately resorted to diversionary tactics, “Come on! Come on! Forget it. I will show you the book that I have brought for you from India.”
We both merrily romped up the stairs to reach my room where I pulled out one of the Amar Chitra Katha Cartoon books, which I had lovingly carried for him to acquaint him with Indian mythology. After all, he is an Indian origin child and should know about our mythological characters although he is staying in Canada, I had thought.
The book that I took out depicted Lord Krishna’s life and story. Adyant was so happy to see the book that he grabbed it from my hands and ran to his room with me trailing him. As he excitedly leafed through the pages, he saw Lord Krishna killing Shishupal with his chakra and Shishupal’s head flying off his torso with splashes of blood all around. Seeing this sketch, Adyant was again miserable. “Why has this man killed him? See Dadi, there is blood.” I wanted to explain all that ideology about the triumph of ‘Good’ over ‘Evil’, but Adyant would not listen, “Dadi, he must be a bad man, no? He has killed this person.” His eyes became narrow with disgust and face distorted.
I quietly took the Amar Chitra Katha from his hand and put it back in my suitcase. At night, I took all of them out and scanned each one from my newfound perspective about violence, blood and gore. I leafed through Dashrath Putra Rama, Pawan Putra Hanuman, Durga Mata and found violence on every single page. I cannot let my little grandson be exposed to this type of violence and quietly consigned them back to the suitcase.
My dreams of educating him on Hindu mythology through these books were badly shattered. However, I got a new perspective on violence through the unbiased eyes of this innocent child. He taught me a real lesson in non-violence that day. Thank you Adyant for being my Guru!!!
The new generation has really come a long way, Mam.Unlike our generation who blindly followed the teachings and stories by grandma without ever questioning the righteousness of the cause, the little ones today have an open mind and think with a perspective unknown to us.In this case, a child has again proved to be a father of man( a woman ).God bless him.
Rimjhim Chhabra
I too had very lovingly bought illustrated Mahabharat and Ramayan books for my grand children. One look at the gory pictures, violence, war put them off these stories.
Mam,same thing is happening here also. I think that is how they are taught here with their firm belief in non violence.
Hari Anand (Atlanta, Georgia)
Ma'am, I liked the whole episode & the emotions your grandchild went through which gives us hope that it is in nurturing of our new generation where the future lies. But all is not so bad in our mythological episodes, what we need is not to let them interpret it in those short versions. We should initially sit with them & support the story with a more meaningful interpretation. We can supplement side by side these comics with stories of noble persons, scientists, preachers etc. I have my own experience with my elder son, who was introduced with these comics at an early age of hardly 2 years when posted in Dehradun in 1981 he used to stop at book shops , could recognise comics of phantom, mandrake( magician) etc , insists on buying them & then make us explain to him each strip with narration and soon he used to remember each strip & will repeat it to others although he didn't know how to read.For many years, he used to read good comics on mythology and other noble persons & imbibed in him faith, trust & good things learnt thru them.That also developed in him passion for books & reading which is still continuing.
Anil Saxena
One after another, all your articles are so good. Very true about the latest one. My grandson is also four years old. After showing him some pictures on Srimad Ramayanam I have stopped showing him Lord Krishna and Prahlada's pictures for the same reason. I am the listener many a times and it is very interesting. Your grandson looks cute, God bless him.
Another thought provoking excellent piece Ranjana. Was reminded of my grand son telling me he didnt like Pachatantra Stories as the stories were all about cheating.
David Azariah
Grand children Adyant (and like wise) Guru for unlearning things like violence.
Gu means Prakash Ru means Andhkar. These small kids in their sheer innocence lead us from darkness to light if only we try to observe without applying our intellect.
Thank you Adyant for being guru!!!
-Sushil Ojha, Dehra Dun
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