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Sunday 29 September 2024



The Highs and Lows of A Woman’s Journey in the Corporate World

CARE: This is Chapter 62 of my book Stress, Success and Everything In-Between. These are individual anecdotes but to understand the professional journey in totality, I would recommend reading the book right from Chapter 01 onwards.

My first day after taking charge as head of Public Relations was full of activity. I was summoned by the General Manager to participate in a meeting for arranging the inauguration function of the computerisation of a branch. The event was significant as the Prime Minister was the chief guest. While the Branch Manager was to organise the overall event, the General Manager asked me to coordinate media coverage, ensure the presence of media persons, issue an effective press release, and do everything to ensure good coverage of the event in print as well as in the electronic media.

I knew the concerned Branch Manager from my earlier days. I was aware of his innate skills in office politics. As we were concluding the meeting, he suggested that the photographer be arranged by my department. I noticed his sly look when he said it and immediately sensed a trap.

The inauguration venue was like a fortress with multiple layers of high security. Only those with prior clearance were granted access. I was the only one from my department for whom the Branch Manager got an entry pass issued. He also got an entry pass for the photographer to enter the venue at 9.15 am.

As the big day approached, my team and I meticulously planned everything with the minutest details. As is my wont, I arrived early at the venue to look at the layout. 

To my surprise, the senior officials of the Bank began arriving well before 9.30am, the scheduled arrival time of the chief guest. I looked at my watch. It was only 8.45am. I wondered why they have come so much ahead of the time. The air was thick with anticipation, the hushed murmur of conversation punctuated by an occasional sound here and there.

That is when my colleague, with a smug grin stretching from ear to ear and his right hand waving questioningly at me, asked sarcastically in front of all the seniors in a loud voice, “Madam, where is your photographer? Why has he not reached? PM should be reaching any moment now.” 

I realised that the inauguration schedule had been changed, and the Prime Minister was arriving early. Neither I nor the photographer was informed of the last-minute change. Was it a carefully laid noose to snare me?  

It was the pre-cell phone era. I frantically ran to the branch on the first floor and tried to reach the photographer, but his studio was closed. I called his residence, and his wife informed me he had already left. I rushed back to the venue, my heart pounding against my ribs.

The photographer reached at 9.15 am sharp as per his entry pass. But the VIP motorcade reached the premises simultaneously, and he was stopped at the gate of the building. The net result was that his camera could not capture the moment of our Chairman presenting the bouquet to the Prime Minister.

The next day, the Branch Manager took the album to all the seniors, highlighting at every forum the lapse he had cleverly orchestrated and attributed to me. He repeated to everyone that the most important photograph of the Chairman presenting the bouquet to the Prime Minister could not be captured as the photographer, arranged by the Public Relations Department, was late. Nobody knew that he was the real culprit who had purposely not informed the change in timings either to me or to the photographer. 

Fortunately for me, the journalists covered the story well, and it was published on the first page of all the national dailies with the photo of the Prime Minister addressing the audience. My seniors were pleased with the incredible media coverage, which saved my role reputation from being dented. They did not heed his repeated efforts to project me in bad light. Don't they say in Hindi, "जाको राखे साईंयां, मार सके न कोय l "

I learnt a valuable lesson that day: office politics can be treacherous. It is like a minefield filled with hidden dangers and unexpected twists, and one must navigate it carefully. I also realised that office politics is an integral part of corporate life, and one must master appropriate skills to counter it to survive in the corporate world.

(To be continued...)


Sunday 22 September 2024



The Highs and Lows of A Woman’s Journey in the Corporate World

CARE: This is Chapter 61 of my book Stress, Success and Everything In-Between. These are individual anecdotes but to understand the professional journey in totality, I would recommend reading the book right from Chapter 01 onwards.

The day my next transfer order came, I felt excited but was also filled with trepidation. I had been posted as head of Public Relations for the entire circle, a position higher than my present scale. Enthusiasm surged through me, but so did apprehension. I was due for my next promotion. What if I did not meet the expectations of the seniors? What if I was reassigned to the lower grade if I could not perform and was not promoted?

I thought of the famous lines from Gone with the Wind, “Tomorrow is another day.”  As I awaited my formal relieving orders and the arrival of my successor, I was determined to keep my nerves in check and act like Scarlett O’Hara. I decided to face future challenges with optimism.

The next day, I arrived at the office earlier than usual, only to find it eerily quiet. The cleaning staff was wrapping up as I entered. As I settled in, I noticed from the glass window two men hurrying towards my cabin. Curious, I barely had time to react before the door burst open. The younger man held the door for the senior, announcing with authority, “Ranjana, the CGM is here!”

I was taken off-guard and jumped up from my chair. The men were none other than the newly posted Chief General Manager and his Personal Secretary. An introductory conversation ensued, though I was puzzled by the unexpected visit. Why was the big boss here so early, and why the surprise appearance?

As minutes ticked by, the office began to buzz with staff members arriving, shaking hands vigorously and greeting each other loudly. The banking hall was abuzz with their usual cheerfulness and bonhomie. All the sounds were clearly audible in my cabin. I wanted to tell them to behave decently since the CGM was present, but I had no way to communicate with them. I offered tea to the visitors, which they declined, leaving me unable to summon a messenger to inform the team. The open glass window made it clear that two guests were seated inside. Therefore, no one came in to greet me, a departure from their usual routine.

Time passed. It was already ten o’clock, but I observed nervously that half the counters were still vacant. At 10:10, the CGM suggested a tour of the branch. My heart raced as I noticed the empty counters but there was no choice but to comply. As we stepped out, I made it a point to introduce him to the Accountant sitting outside my room in a louder than usual voice, ensuring everyone could hear. My team quickly sprang into action. Those working on back office desks promptly moved to the front counters, and I heaved a sigh of relief.

After a tour of the branch, the CGM agreed to a cup of tea and posed a series of questions about my ability to handle the upcoming role in Public Relations. “Will you be mobile enough to visit journalists? Are you prepared to stay late for evening events? Can you lead teams on assignments away from headquarters? Will you be able to handle the hot-headed journalists?” With unwavering confidence, I answered each question with a resolute "Yes, of course, sir!" I had not learnt to say "No, I can't."

The CGM and his secretary left around 11 a.m. I couldn't help but wonder why he had taken the time to visit my branch so soon after joining the circle? He had not inspected any records or asked for business figures. So, what was the real purpose of his visit?

The answer came an hour later when the Personal Secretary called to inform me that the CGM had approved my posting. The visit of the CGM was to resolve his underlying concerns as he had doubts about the capability of a woman to lead an important role. He had planned his visit to check whether I could handle the new responsibilities. Concerned about the posting of a woman officer to a high-profile role reporting directly to him, he wanted to ensure that I was capable of addressing the unusual challenges of the role. 

Once again, my gender had been challenged, and my capabilities had been suspected and scrutinized, all perhaps because I was a woman. By demonstrating my confidence and competence, I successfully dispelled his concerns. He was convinced of my mobility and my communication and leadership skills and I thus became the first female officer to handle public relations in the Bank.

The next three years were like going through an Agni Pariksha once again and I continued to prove my worth every day as new challenges cropped up.

(To be continued....)


Sunday 15 September 2024



The Highs and Lows of A Woman’s Journey in the Corporate World

CARE: This is Chapter 60 of my book Stress, Success and Everything In-Between. These are individual anecdotes but to understand the professional journey in totality, I would recommend reading the book right from Chapter 01 onwards.

After a harrowing summer, the monsoon had descended upon Delhi with a vengeance, turning the city into a watery mess. Delhi was virtually in a deluge. The roads were flooded: it was difficult for the traffic to move. Several Ambassador cars were blocking the road with their bonnets up as the rainwater entered the distributor, a common problem during the rainy season. Delhi had come to a virtual standstill.

As Chief Manager of a branch in central Delhi, which I was heading, I looked at the clock. It showed 1.45pm. The business hours of the Bank were from 10am to 2pm. Usually, at this time, several customers would walk in leisurely from the nearby government offices after finishing their lunch, but that day was different. There was no one in the banking hall. The usual bustle of customers had been deterred by the torrential downpour. The life of a banker is boring if there are no customers; the thought crossed my mind as I suppressed a yawn. 

A few minutes later, I was about to close my payment scroll for the day when a frantic elderly gentleman burst into my office. He looked suave despite his grey hair, which was in a mess due to rain.

 “Up to what time would you accept cash?” He demanded in an authoritative tone.

“What a question to ask!” I thought before responding to him.

“Up to 2pm,” I responded calmly.

"I have to deposit Advance Tax! Do you know today is the last day? And it is raining cats and dogs. Are you not going to extend the business hours?" he roared, his voice a mix of urgency and panic.

“I know it, sir. But I am afraid I cannot change the banking hours because of the weather. You can deposit the tax now. We still have ten minutes for the counter to close,” I replied politely.  

“If I had the cash with me, Lady, I would have deposited it straightaway. I certainly would not have come to you. My problem is that I have to bring the cash from home. Today is the last date, and I must deposit the tax today. I do not see any reason why you should not co-operate. As the head of this branch, you are supposed to help a customer.” His face contorted with anger, and his voice raised with a sense of entitlement in his demand.

“Look at the time, sir. It is almost 2pm, the time for us to stop the public dealings. I have no authority to extend the business hours,” I expressed my inability to oblige him.

Observing my firm stance, the fellow immediately softened, “Ma’am, can you please help me given these unusual rains? I have to deposit Advance Tax today itself under any circumstances. Can you please please stretch the timings a wee bit? I would be extremely grateful to you. I will return with cash in no time,” he pleaded extremely politely this time. Seeing him so helpless and descending from the high pedestal, I relented and decided to help him, “Ok. But where do you stay?”

“In GK, I mean Greater Kailash.” As he said this, I started laughing.

“Going to GK and coming back in this rain? I bet my life if you can manage it even in three hours today.”

“What am I going to do now? The tax has to be deposited today.” He sighed dramatically, rubbing his hands nervously.

“Can you ask somebody to bring cash instead of you going and bringing it from home? That way, you can reduce the travel time by half, and I can ask the Cash Officer to keep the books open for some time. But by the time he returns from lunch, your cash should have reached,” I suggested.

The man beamed, “Yes. That is brilliant. I will ring up my wife, and she will send cash through the driver. May I use your phone?”

He settled down in the chair in my cabin and dialled his residence number to talk to his wife. The volume of the other side being high and the room being quiet, I unwittingly became a passive listener to the entire conversation. I heard him explain his predicament, and then the chaos ensued.

"Cash? How much? Why do you need it?" his wife demanded curtly.

"It's for Advance Tax. I need fifty thousand rupees, and I need it now! Is the driver there?”

“Why don’t you come home, have lunch, and take the cash too?”

“No. I cannot come home. It is raining so badly here. It will take me quite some time to reach home. But can you ask the driver…..”

“But why can’t you come home?” she repeated.

“Try to understand, darling. I cannot come home. Just listen to me…..This is urgent. Today is the last date for….”

“I knew that. You always avoid coming home for lunch.”

“Ok…ok. Stop whining and send the driver quickly with cash. Is he there?”

“Yes, he is. But where are you?” His wife asked suspiciously.

"I'm at the bank, of course!" he said, exasperated.

"You're lying! Where are you really?" she accused.

"I'm not lying!  I just told you I'm at the Bank!" he insisted.  

“You liar! Where are you? Tell me the truth,” she growled.

“No. I am not lying. I am at the Bank only,” he frowned.

"But I just heard a woman’s voice. Who are you with?" she demanded.

“Yes. You heard it right. It was a woman’s voice. She is the Chief Manager here…..” he replied softly, struggling to sound calm.

“You are again lying. When will you ever change? How can a woman be the Chief Manager of a Bank?” his wife scoffed. The insinuation was not veiled.

“It is a fact, and I am NOT lying." The man groaned again.

“Hmm...and how does the driver know where the bank is? Do you visit her often?”

“Stop this nonsense and send the cash quickly,” saying so, he banged the phone.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, he burst out, “Oh women, women, women! Why are you like this? That was my wife. I am on the wrong side of seventy, and she still suspects me. She heard your voice and started doubting me. She would not believe that a woman could be the Chief Manager. Why are you women like this?” He exploded with frustration and sat down, holding the head in his hands.

I suppressed my smile and pressed the call bell to order a strong cup of coffee. He needed it to soothe his nerves, ruffled by his suspecting wife. As he sipped coffee, he kept lamenting about his wife. Although my lunch got delayed, the incident was an unexpected monotony breaker in the otherwise mundane and lacklustre workday of a banker.

(To be continued....)


Saturday 7 September 2024



The Highs and Lows of A Woman’s Journey in the Corporate World

CARE: This is Chapter 59 of my book Stress, Success and Everything In-Between. These are individual anecdotes but to understand the professional journey in totality, I would recommend reading the book right from Chapter 01 onwards.

When I joined a branch in central Delhi, I was suffering from a relentless cough that refused to abate. This persistent and nagging discomfort robbed me of sleep, peace, and productivity. Despite countless visits to medical professionals, from general practitioners to specialists, no diagnosis could be reached.

One of the staffers, seeing me coughing badly, suggested I see Vaidya ji, who also sat in the same government building where my branch was. I was told that anybody who went to him got cured.

The reputation of Vaidya Ji was impeccable. He was a gold medalist, the personal physician to the President of India, and possessed a legendary healing touch. Countless stories circulated about his ability to cure even the most intractable ailments.

I made an appointment and met with Vaidya Ji. He asked some basic questions, examined my throat, checked my pulse, and assured me that I should not worry. He gave me 60 pudiyas (sachets) of medicine containing a white and grey powder. He advised me to lick it twice daily after mixing it with honey. Desperate for relief, I embarked on the treatment with renewed hope.

The treatment seemed almost magical. Within two days, my cough vanished miraculously. Each passing day brought with it a new wave of energy. I felt rejuvenated and was brimming with energy. I felt my happiness returning and my spirits soaring. The world seemed brighter and less burdened despite the heavy workload at the branch.

I strictly followed the advice of Vaidya Ji that I should not stop the treatment even if I feel totally cured. Two months passed quickly.

Lo and behold, my happiness was short-lived, and one day, my world of delight crashed suddenly. In a get-together, I shared my experience with a doctor friend whose son also suffered from a persistent cough. Upon hearing about my treatment, he expressed doubt about the probable use of steroids.

“I hope he did not give you steroids,” he enquired.

I wanted to hit back, “You allopathic doctors! You cannot appreciate any other stream, be it Ayurveda or Homeopathy.” But I behaved like a decent host and restrained myself from reacting adversely.

Our friend politely asked me if I could spare one pudiya for him. He said he would have it tested in his hospital lab, and in case it is devoid of steroids, he would ask me to fix up an appointment for his son.

Intrigued, I agreed to let him test a sample of the powder. A week later, he called me to confirm what he had suspected. The test result was shocking. The powder that I was merrily licking twice a day contained high levels of unaccounted steroids.

He advised me to reduce the dose gradually and get rid of this harmful treatment. My heart sank and the joy I had felt was replaced by a growing dread as I tapered off the treatment.

Recently, the memory of those days returned in a big way when I read on internet that steroids, when taken in large doses or for extended periods, can interfere with the ability of our body to regulate blood sugar. This can cause insulin resistance, a condition where the cells of our body become less responsive to insulin. When insulin resistance develops, the pancreas may produce more insulin to compensate, but eventually, it may become overwhelmed. This can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. 

Oh my God! I recalled I had developed type 2 diabetes within a couple of years after discontinuing the treatment, even though I do not have such a history in my lineage. The regret of taking the treatment from Vaidya ji has returned in a big way.  I wish I had not licked that powder so earnestly for so long. But I allowed my desperation to impair my ability to make a rational judgment. 

(To be continued.....)
